Managing and Preventing Diabetes Webinar

On Nov. 17, in honor of Diabetes Awareness Month, EmblemHealth hosted a virtual webinar on managing and preventing diabetes to educate our employees and community members, raise awareness, and empower individuals and loved ones to make healthy choices, especially this holiday season.


By Lauren Carr
Strategic Manager, Policy & Government Affairs

On November 17, in honor of Diabetes Awareness Month, EmblemHealth hosted a virtual webinar on managing and preventing diabetes to educate our employees and community members, raise awareness, and empower individuals and loved ones to make healthy choices, especially this holiday season.

If you couldn’t join us or would like to see it again, watch the video (60:15) to the right.

We know diabetes touches many of us in the communities where we live and serve, and that some communities are impacted more than others. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, more than 10% of people across the U.S. have diabetes, and of those, 23% are undiagnosed. We also know that more than a third of adults in the U.S. have prediabetes, and nearly half of adults over the age of 65 have prediabetes. Locally, data from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has shown diabetes is most prevalent among certain ethnic and racial groups — notably Hispanic, Black, and Asian New Yorkers — and diabetes disproportionately affects neighborhoods with the highest levels of poverty.

To address this critical issue, we partnered with New York City Council Member Lynn Schulman, Chair of the Health Committee, who said, “Prevention is key — being empowered to make healthy diet and exercise choices and consulting with health professionals is how our city can stay healthy this festive season and into the future. My office is proud to collaborate with EmblemHealth to inform the public on the best ways to prevent and manage diabetes as we seek to eliminate health disparities by promoting awareness and education.”
Dr. Nicole Thomas-Sealey, VP, Clinical Education, AdvantageCare Physicians, facilitated the discussion, with Prasija Manoj, Nurse Practitioner, AdvantageCare Physicians; Erin Reddan, Regional Manager, EmblemHealth Neighborhood Care; and Aaron Turner-Phifer, Director, Health Policy, JDRF, the leading global type 1 diabetes research and advocacy organization. The session also featured a live chair yoga demonstration led by Larissa Schiano-Gonzalez, Be Yoga & Dance. Read the press release.
Learn more about diabetes, risk factors, treatment, and more through ACPNY. Find out about resources and programming offered through Neighborhood Care.
We will continue to address pressing public health and health equity issues affecting us in our homes, neighborhoods, and communities. Look out for more programming in the coming months.